Thursday, March 21, 2024

Quick Guide On Adding Multi-Language Support In Rails App in 2024

Quick Guide On Adding Multi-Language Support In Rails App in 2024

These days, an app's multilingual support and app internationalization are necessities.

We have seen firsthand how the online and mobile app development market has changed in the last several years due to a variety of factors. The field of designing and developing applications is now growing exponentially, which is advantageous for both businesses and app consumers.

However, this does not mean that you should go forward without doing adequate study and planning before launching your own mobile application development business or developing your first online or mobile application. Prior to beginning the app development process, you must first have a thorough understanding of the intended user base for your app.

These days, businesses and organizations want to expand their reach beyond their local or regional market by aiming for a global presence for their web- or mobile-based applications. For this reason, the feature of multi-language support—which is essential if you want to use your digital product or service to reach a global audience—will be discussed in this article.

These days, businesses and organizations want to expand their reach beyond their local or regional market by aiming for a global presence for their web- or mobile-based applications. For this reason, the feature of multi-language support—which is essential if you want to use your digital product or service to reach a global audience—will be discussed in this article.

We'll talk about adding multi-language support to your Rails application using this succinct and easy guide. This is due to the fact that a rails mobile app also has a number of alternatives, including different date and time formats, currencies, and languages. You will be able to provide more user-friendly services that are tailored to the geographical location of consumers across the globe with the aid of these mobile application capabilities.

Static content is essentially any kind of web content that can be provided to users without requiring additional creation or alteration. Stated differently, we can also assert that this kind of material is independent of audience preferences or user input from the app.

Because of this, static web pages have fixed code, meaning that unless a designated and approved web developer manually edits the content, it cannot change. Let's use blog post pages as an example, where the content is both textual and media-based and stays the same unless the blog editor makes changes manually. This is the point where end consumers may become confused with progressive web pages.

In stark contrast to static content, which is described as the kind of web content that is often generated simultaneously when an end-user makes a request for a certain web page, dynamic content is also known as adaptable content. Additionally, content is generated according to user preferences based on interactions between the user and the webpage.

In addition, the dynamic web content is adjusted based on numerous other variables, such as the user's location and the kind of device they are using to view the website. By identifying the most pertinent output for the consumers, these criteria are thought to provide a better overall experience for app users. The blog of Uber, which suggests articles to readers based on their location, is one of the most well-known instances of a dynamic website.

The kind of content that web apps contain also has a big impact on how the localization and internationalization procedures work. Now is the appropriate moment to start the multilingual help guide.

Use the integrated Ruby I18n framework to localize the static content for your online or mobile applications. This standard framework, compatible with Ruby on Rails 2.2 or higher versions, can be used to translate the text content of web pages and mobile apps.

Setting a default locale, translating load routes, and specifying the available locales in config/initializers/locales.rb constitute the first stage.

In this context, "default locale" refers to the locale that is automatically selected, unless the system or a web app developer detects a different locale. The Ruby on Rails l18n gem's default locale is 'English' as well.

Here's an example where the web application may be accessed in German, English, and Portuguese languages, with German set as the default locale and a list of possible locales. In addition, the translation load path—basically, the path to the folder containing all of the locales—is defined.

Selecting a locale—such as :de, :en, :pt, etc.—where you would like your software to support several locales is the next step. These locations are necessary to get to certain areas. Now that you have defined your app's locale, you should do so at the start of each direct request that is made to your website or web application to make sure that all strings are translated using the appropriate locale throughout the request's lifetime.

1. To begin, select a locale from the domain name. From here, you can select a locale from a subdomain name (, a top-level domain name (, or a domain name (

But because it has so many advantages, attempt to choose a top-level domain name when configuring a locale. You can obtain a URL for your web application, such as,, or, by using this method.

In addition to being a crucial part of the online application's URL, the locale serves as a benefit for SEO, or search engine optimization, when multilingual material is housed on multiple but related domains. Developers are involved in this method by writing the following lines of code in ApplicationController:

As we've already indicated, optimizing a domain name for locality also improves SEO performance. In addition, the programmer can choose to enable direct hostname translation into the end user's native tongue. You can obtain URLs such as,, and by using this method.

This phase involves storing application hosts in the config/application.rb file first, followed by:

Consequently, URLs like,, and will be sent to the web app developer.

2. Proceed to set a specific locale using URL parameters. However, before establishing a locale using URL parameters, ensure that the url to your service resembles this: The benefits of creating a locale using URL parameters are the same as those of setting a locale from the domain name of the website, but it takes a lot more work. First, update ApplicationController with the following code:

params[:locale] || I18n.default_locale = I18n.locale

For those that design rails applications, this issue could be a little challenging, but it can be resolved by adding link_to root_url(locale: I18n.locale) after each and every request. Although adding the default_url_options method directly will specify the default parameters for the url_for method and other methods that essentially rely on it, this is still a laborious and time-consuming operation.

I18n.locale { locale}

3. The next step is to save a specific locale in the path; however, while this is happening, your application's URL will resemble something like this: (for German locale) or (for French locale), etc. Simply add a few lines of code to config/routes.rb to get this to work:

locale: /#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}/ scope "(:locale)"

1. Using the user's location to determine the locale

Here, the geolocation feature supported by the geocoder gem allows the web developer to easily carry out user locale detection. The application will then set the language that is defined for this particular place. The location and safe_location methods will be added to the standard Rack by the Geocoder::Request object to quickly find the location of an HTTP request based on its IP address.

outcome is request.location

However, because the results are often erroneous, web application developers do not typically employ this strategy. Let's take an example where a bunch of French users travel to Germany for vacation. Users who visit your website while on vacation are likely not familiar with other international languages, so they would like to see it in French rather than German.

2. Taking necessary information out of the HTTP Accept-Language header

The browser language choices of the app user are contained in a portion of the HTTP Accept-Language header that is included in an HTTP request. To find the locale even more, this user data may be forwarded to the web app server. Therefore, use the code indicated below if you want your application to automatically detect a locale using cached data from the Accept-Language header:

locales = request.env['CONFIRMATION_HTTP'] || ""

/[a-z]{2}(?=;)/ locales.scan.locate do |locale|

(locale.to_sym) I18n.available_locales.include?

Every translation of static strings made during the development of a rails application can be saved in either ordinary Ruby (.rb) files or YAML (.yml) files. However, YAML serves the same purpose for Ruby on Rails developers on a regular basis. Another significant drawback of this approach is that *.yml files are extremely sensitive to whitespace and special characters, which can lead to serious problems with the code.

After going over every step involved in localizing static material, it's time to focus on localizing dynamic content, which is just as important because it enables developers to provide a more tailored user experience based on the audience's location.

Another name for a suitable method of localizing the dynamic content is the Globalize gem. This is the link to the comprehensive documentation for this gem in the GitHub repository. Furthermore, there are certain crucial aspects that necessitate further attention.

1. Run bundle install after adding the "globalize gem line" to the Gemfile:

gem `> 5.0.0', 'globalize'

2. Next, list all of the characteristics that need to be translated:

3. Next, include the migration to TranslateProducts in order to create the translation tables needed to keep track of translated product names:

Translation of the app's routes is also necessary if you have a multilingual web or mobile application, or if you are developing multilingual support for a rails application. Let's say a user has a Help page on a web application that is available in both German and English. The URLs will then appear as and if there are no translated routes.

Furthermore, once the user translates the routes, this won't be the case because the URLs will be and

server_name The French Domain www.domain.germany;

The user can now modify the URLs to display the language of their choice and submit a request by using the route_translator gem. With the help of this gem, they will be able to handle the application route translations in a straightforward and streamlined dictionary style.

Additionally, developers can set their translated hosts, localization detection, route namespaces, and other features with the aid of routes_translator. The procedures to take are outlined in this gem's official documentation and guide, which is well-written and comprehensive:

1. Run bundle install after adding this gem to your own Gemfile:

2. Next, place each set of routes that needs to be translated inside of a specific localized block:

Draw with Rails.application.routes.draw

3. Following that, add the translations to the fr.yml and en.yml locale files:

GET /fr/chats(.:format) cats_fr <:locale=>"fr"} cats#index

GET /cats(.:format) cats_en <:locale=>"en"} cats#index

Occasionally, during the translation process, web app developers may run into slug problems with their routes. By using the friendly_id-globalize gem, which enables developers to use Globalize to translate slugs in accordance with your project requirements, these slug problems can be avoided.

1. The gem must be added to the Gemfile as the first step:

2. Next, use the following command to generate the migration from the project directory using the terminal:

3. Make a list of the slugs you need to localize:

These were the procedures you might use to localize your static and dynamic web content in order to create a rails application that supports several languages. We hope that this little tutorial on adding multi-language support to a ruby on rails application will bring you some insightful knowledge on the process of developing a rails project.

Basically, a Ruby on Rails developer has two options: either they use the open-source libraries made available by the Ruby on Rails official community, or they choose to employ some of the powerful native capabilities that are offered by the platform itself.

As an enthusiastic writer and tech enthusiast, she works hard to impart her knowledge to other tech enthusiasts and mobile app developers. When she takes a break from the keyboard, she enjoys reading thrillers and losing herself in other worlds.

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